This video has been produced based on the true story of a plumber who was killed in a trench collapse that was investigated by the NY FACE Program. Th...
The NFPA has worked with numerous other organizations under the Alliance to Stop Consumer Fireworks to ask the public not to buy fireworks for the Fou...
Nail guns are used every day on many construction jobs, particularly in residential construction. They boost productivity but also cause tens of thous...
This NIOSH video is a testimonial by the owner of a residential framing company who experienced a fatality on one of his jobsites when a roof collapse...
This animated video was based on a NIOSH Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) accident report (specifically, taken from FACE summary –...
This OSHA video covers the promulgation of the revised silica standard, which was published on Mar 25, 2016. The YouTube video starts with a clip from...
NIOSH’s Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) Program is a research program designed to prevent occupational fatalities. More FACE repo...
This clip from the US Government's 1955 film, Operation Teapot Atom Test, show troops being decontaminated after exposure to the blast and resulting r...
This clip shows worker health and safety protections in place at this Superfund site in North Hollywood, California. Two small warehouses were fille...
Sadly, the effort to update OSHA's silica dust regulation, first issued in 1971, is not done more than 15 years after this campaign began. Each year,...