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NSC Nanotechnology Challenges and Opportunities for Safety, Health, Well-being, and Productivity in the Workplace

This PowerPoint Presentation was provided to the National Safety Council's Labor Division on Friday, Sept 12, 2014, during the Safety Council Congres...

NIOSH's Buy Quiet Program

The NIOSH Buy Quiet web resource highlights the benefits of a buy quiet program, explains how to establish such a program in a workplace, and offers a...

Recommended Practices for Protecting Temporary Workers

This set of recommendations by OSHA and NIOSH is focused on temporary workers. The agencies define these workers as those supplied to a host employer...

Strengthening Jobsite Safety Climate: Eight Worksheets to Help You Use and Improve Leading Indicators

This CPWR booklet is designed to help management, safety professionals, and hourly craft workers learn more about important leading safety indicators...

Demonstrating Management Commitment: CPWR Worksheet #1

This CPWR worksheet is the first of 8 to provide recommendations for strengthening jobsite safety climate. It provides 6 ideas for demonstrating manag...

Aligning and Integrating Safety as a Value: CPWR Worksheet #2

This CPWR worksheet is the second of 8 to provide recommendations for strengthening jobsite safety climate. It provides 5 ideas for aligning and integ...

Ensuring Accountability at All Levels: CPWR Worksheet #3

This CPWR worksheet is the third of 8 to provide recommendations for strengthening jobsite safety climate. It provides 5 ideas for ensuring accountabi...

Improving Supervisory Leadership: CPWR Worksheet #4

This CPWR worksheet is the fourth of 8 to provide recommendations for strengthening jobsite safety climate. It provides 5 ideas for improving supervis...

Empowering and Involving Workers: CPWR Worksheet #5

This CPWR worksheet is the fifth of 8 to provide recommendations for strengthening jobsite safety climate. It provides 7 ideas for empowering and invo...

Improving Communication: CPWR Worksheet #6

This CPWR worksheet is the sixth of 8 to provide recommendations for strengthening jobsite safety climate. It provides 6 ideas for improving communica...