Many workers spend a great deal of time in awkward postures, knee pads can reduce stress. Select knee pads that are comfortable and do not reduce circ...
Ladder is being used incorrectly...
All trades people can potentially spend a great deal of time kneeling in order to reach areas close to the floor. Use knee pads to reduce stress. Sele...
Dressing in for grit blasting....
Using needle gun with local exhaust ventilation to reduce lead exposure....
Reduce welding fume exposure in the work place CPWR. Welding fume can contain toxic gases and metals....
Worker does not appear to be tied off. Employers must provide fall protection for all employees. When feasible try to eliminate the hazard. A passive...
Poor placement of horizontal life line. Elevating the horizontal life line above the shoulders reduces potential fall distance....
If possible use a neutral work posture. Using knee pads can reduce strain on knees. Using mini-breaks ( a few seconds) can help relieve fatigue and st...
Awkward working position. Try to eliminate stressful work postures by using different tools, by using different work processes or extension handles on...