Inadequate buffer space between the workers and traffic. Do not compromise worker safety during short term duration jobs....
Poor housekeeping, work site is littered with slip and trip hazards...
Rebar tying in Beijing China. Workers are approximately three stories above the ground. Numerous safety issues, including missing fall protection, inc...
Angle grinder with guard, worker using PPE (Hard hat, eye protection, gloves, safety vest)...
Angle grinder with guard, worker using PPE (Hard hat, eye protection, gloves, safety vest)...
Using the proper PPE for the job...
An average of four workers are killed on U.S. construction sites every day. Falls are the leading cause of death in construction, responsible for almo...
Tying rebar all day is repetitive stressful work, that can result in injuries to backs, joints, wrists and hands. Rebar tying tools have been develop...
Tying rebar all day is repetitive stressful work, that can result in musculoskeletal injuries to backs, joints, wrists and hands. Rebar tying tools ha...
Keep hands free, maintain three point contact with ladder. Use a rope to haul up additional equipmentELCOSH...