Lead is a potent, systemic poison that serves no known useful function once absorbed by your body. Taken in large enough doses, lead can kill you in a...
At the Savannah River Department of Energy site near Aiken, South Carolina, USA, a 300-square-mile complex of streams, ponds, nuclear reactors, reproc...
This clip from the US Government's 1955 film, Operation Teapot Atom Test, show troops being decontaminated after exposure to the blast and resulting r...
This clip shows worker health and safety protections in place at this Superfund site in North Hollywood, California. Two small warehouses were fille...
Sadly, the effort to update OSHA's silica dust regulation, first issued in 1971, is not done more than 15 years after this campaign began. Each year,...
This is from the 1984 NIOSH video, Dual Protection (14 minutes), an excellent training tool that is still relevant today, 25 years later. It explores...
Clipped from the 1947 animation short, Modern Guide to Health, promoting general health awareness, by the British government. But as we have learned...
Canary used for testing for carbon monoxide...
"boilermaker's ear," an old phrase used to describe worker impairment of hearing that follows long exposure to noise. For a 1954 Time Magazine articl...
As in this clip, many employers today (and in the past) blame workplace accidents on workers rather than look at hazardous job conditions. In the pas...