The Sheet Metal Occupational Health Institute Trust (SMOHIT) was formed in 1985 to examine the health hazards of the sheet metal industry in the U.S....
This report is from a project called AIMS (Adoption of Innovations to Minimize Fumes and Dusts in Construction) that uses an industry partnership to s...
The Eurovac II portable local exhaust ventilation system (LEV) was selected as one of the most promising systems for testing by the CPWR Welding PACT....
Following an extensive review of commercially available portable local exhaust systems (LEVs) for welding fume, the Welding Partnership for Advancing...
This website catalogs fall protection equipment for residential construction. Equipment is classified by the type of fall protection or the phase of c...
This guidance is the results of ten years of collaborative research through the Silica/Asphalt Milling Machine Partnership, which is coordinated by NA...
The results of an evaluation, in a controlled setting, of a tuckpointing dust control system consisting of a Bosch model 1775E grinder, a Dust Directo...
This report describes the results of an evaluation of a tuckpointing dust control system consisting of a Hilti VC40-U vacuum, a Hilti DC-EX shroud, an...
This report was funded by CPWR under its Small Studies Program. The authors examined an important claim by OSHA that Injury and Illness Prevention Pro...