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Head Protection (Hard Hats): Training on the use of hard hats in the workplace

Powerpoint training for workers about the use of hard hats, see accompanying instructor's guide....

Temporary Worker Initiative Bulletin No. 5: Hazard Communication

Temporary workers are entitled to the same protections other workers. This bulletin addresses how to identify who is responsible for providing hazard...

Temporary Worker’s Rights Pamphlet

Bilingual English-Spanish pocket card explains the right of temporary workers to OSHA protection. Click the “OSHA's Temporary Workers Initiative”...

Temporary Worker Initiative Bulletin No. 4 - Safety and Health Training

This is part of a series of guidance documents developed under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA’s) Temporary Worker Initi...

OSHA Construction Industry Digest

This updated informational booklet is intended to provide an overview of frequently used OSHA standards in the Construction industry. Employers and em...

Know Your Nailer: Nail Gun Safety

Nail guns are used every day on many construction jobs, particularly in residential construction. They boost productivity but also cause tens of thous...

Hand Tools - Tips to Choose and Use Them Safely

This CPWR Hazard Alert on Hand Tools address choosing and using appropriate hand tools to avoid accidents and ergonomic injuries. Click on the followi...

Protect Your Workers From Heat Stress

This one-page NIOSH infographic summarizes the key steps that construction employers should take to keep their crews safe from the real dangers of hea...

Safety officer discussing ongoing project with marketing coordinator

The safety officer (left) points out the good safety practices on this project that reflect well on the firm and may influence future clients....

Elevating EHS Leading Indicators: From Defining to Designing

This white paper by the National Safety Council's Campbell Institute is the latest of several documents focused on leading indicators. Previous report...