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Housekeeping Training Guide

Training on the importance of housekeeping, hazards that result from poor housekeeping and how to do it properly - includes discussion questions and a...

Tying Off and Safety Nets

A checklist of the steps that should be taken when determining whether to tie off or use other fall protection. Part of a collection. Click on the 'co...

Trenches and Excavations Checklist

A checklist describing hazards associated with trenching, protections that should be taken, how to enter, and PPE that should be used. Part of a coll...

Scaffolds Checklist

A checklist for various types of scaffolds, including how to select a scaffold, and safety procedures prior to and during use, including erection and...

Portable Ladders Checklist

A checklist for portable ladders, including sections for inspecting ladders, selecting the right one, placement and work practices. Part of a collect...

Housekeeping Checklist

A checklist for housekeeping, detailing items such as hazard identification and removal, bulk material storage and hazardous material storage. Part o...

Accident Fax 01

Description of an incident where a worker got oil on his boots which caused him to fall when descending a ladder....

An Analysis of Fatal Events in the Construction Industry 2001

An in-depth analysis of fatal construction incidents in 2001 based on OSHA inspections, including cause of incident and comparisons with previous year...


This CPWR Hazard Alert on Ladder Safety describes safety tips for using ladders, statistics on injuries, steps that you can take to protect yourself a...

Deadly Trades

Discussion of a nine-month investigation by the Houston Chronicle that found that some, and perhaps many, of the deaths, illnesses and injuries in the...