A brief summary of OSHA regulations on when fall protection is required....
An in-depth report on the cause of death in construction workers in North Carolina over a 10 year period, including recommendations on improving healt...
An OSHA page with links to information and presentations on scaffold safety, focusing on suspended scaffolds and supported scaffolds....
A brochure describing methods of providing personal fall protection such as safety belts, harnesses and lanyards, and a discussion of how to select an...
Provides specifications for crafting a job-built ladder....
Describes the steps that should be taken to install scaffolds safely, focusing on mudsills, baseplates and leveling screws. Includes a quiz. Part of a...
A presentation for a course on accidents, including definitions of accidents, and information on how to identify and handle them and how to find out w...
A discussion of horizontal fall arrest systems, including the different types of systems, OSHA requirements for the systems, common applications and d...
Discusses the importance of having a safety harness and how to select, maintain and don them to increase safety....
Case studies of workers who have fallen through skylights and roof openings, and recommendations on ways to avoid injuries and deaths from these falls...