Summary Statement
A presentation reviewing the major safety risks mobile cranes pose for operators and workers around them and how to reduce those risks. It is designed for site supervisors or safety representatives.
of Working Around Cranes
Key Concepts:
- Electrocution Hazards
- Caught-In, Compressed or Crushing Hazards
- Struck-By Hazards
- Other Hazards

Electrocution Hazards
Controlling the Problem:
- OSHA power line clearance distances.
- ANSI requirements for working around power lines.
- Safe working clearance distance for cranes.
- Preventive measures for avoiding power line contacts.
- Planning for power line hazards.
- Dealing with power line emergencies.

Fatal Fact - Electrocution
Weather | Sunny, Clear |
Competent Person On-Site? | Yes - Victim |
Safety Program? | No |
Inspections Conducted? | Yes |
Training Provided? | No |
Experience of Victim | 4 Months |
Time on Project | 4 Hours |

Weather | Clear/Dry |
Competent Person On-Site? | No |
Safety Program? | Yes |
Inspections Conducted? | No |
Training Provided? | No |
Experience of Victim | 5 Years |
Time on Project | 1 Day |

Dealing with Power Line Emergencies

Current can flow outward through ground in a ripple pattern from the equipment in contact with a power line.
Learning Opportunity
- Name two (2) requirements about power line safety?
- Name four (4) things a contractor can do to prevent a power line contact?
- If a contractor contacts a power line, what are some things that either the operator or workers around the crane can do to prevent electrocution.
- What minimum power line clearance does OSHA require when operating a crane near these power lines?
- 12kV power line_______feet
- 134kV power line______feet
- Swinging superstructure of equipment.
- Exposure to moving parts.

Swinging Superstructure of Equipment

Fatal Fact - Crushing
Weather | Clear/Cool |
Competent Person On-Site? | No |
Safety Program? | No |
Inspections Conducted? | No |
Training Provided? | No |
Experience of Victim | Unknown |
Time on Project | 4 Days |

Exposure to Moving Parts
- Pinch Points

Learning Opportunity
- Hazards associated with being caught-in, compressed or crushed while working around cranes and other material handling equipment include:
- What can contractors do to prevent anyone from being crushed by the swinging superstructure of a mobile crane or other material handling equipment?
- Falling or failing loads
- Swinging loads
Falling & Failing Loads
To effectively manage the safe rigging and hoisting of loads, ensure:
- A qualified rigger oversees all lifting operations.
- All rigging devices are used properly and are in good condition.
- Main hoisting line has been inspected, properly installed and maintained.
- Pre-critical lift evaluation performed (if applicable).

Fatal Fact - Struck-By
Weather |
Clear |
Inspections Conducted? | Yes |
Competent Person On-Site? | Yes |
Safety Program? | Yes |
Training Provided? | Yes |
Time on Job | 1 Hour |
Time on Task | 1 Hour |

Four Basic Rules of Rigging
- Know the Weight
- Know the Capacity
- Retain the Load
- Control the Load

Fatal Fact - Struck-By/Crushed
Weather | Clear |
Inspections Conducted? | Yes |
Competent Person On-Site? | Yes |
Safety Program? | Yes |
Training Provided? | Yes |
Experience of Victim | 6 Months |
Time on Project | 2 Hours |

Rigging Devices
The following is a discussion on:
- Shackles
- Hooks
- Wire Rope Clips
- Wedge Sockets
- Eyebolts
- Spreader Beams
- Slings

Types of Shackles

Proper Use of Shackles
Never replace a shackle pin with a bolt.

The load will bend the bolt.
Check with manufacturer for specifications on Side Loading.

120 degree max.
Proper Use of Shackles
Avoid eccentric loads.

Proper chocking of shackles.

Shackle Inspection


- Manufacturers' identification.
- Never weld on hooks.
- Working safety latch.

Hooks are designed to apply the load at the bottom of the saddle.
Hook Inspection Items

Wire Rope Clips
- The most common use of wire rope clips on cranes is at wedge and socket-end fittings.
- The clip does not provide strength to the wedge and socket connection.
- It is there to prevent the wedge from accidentally being released.
Installing Wire Rope Clips
Installed properly
as to number, direction, spacing and torque.
Examples of Improperly Installed Wire Rope Clips
Wedge Sockets
- Most common method of terminating ropes on cranes.
- All parts must match in size.
- Measure rope diameter to ensure proper size.

Wedge Socket - Correct Rope Installation
- Live end of the rope, the straight side of the socket and the pinhole all line up.

Wedge Socket Damage
- May be necessary to beat the socket during installation.
- Socket may become mushroomed.
- Replace when damage becomes noticeable.

Acceptable Methods for Load Line Tieback

Unacceptable Method for Load Line Tieback
This type of wire rope clip (single grip, single saddle) will transfer the weight of the load to the dead end of the load line.
Attach the wedge socket directly to the load ball without the use of a shackle.


Orientation of Eyebolts

Always load an eyebolt in the plane of the eye.
Spreader Beams
- Marked with the capacity and proof tested to 125 percent of that capacity.
- Considered a load and cannot be left suspended unattended.

Spreader Beam

Equalizer Beam
The following is a discussion on:
- Sling angles
- Sling tension
- Various types of hitches
- Various types of slings
- Inspections and maintenance

How Horizontal Angle Affects Sling Capacity

Note: A good operating practice is to keep sling angles from going below 60 degrees
Sling Tension
Riggers and operators should know how to determine the sling tension based upon knowing:
- Sling angle factor
- Total weight of the load
- Number of legs in the hitch
Sling Angle Factor = L/H
L = Length of the sling.
H = Height of the connection point from the horizontal plane of the load.

Types of Hitches
Straight Pull

Choker Hitch (Horizontal Angle )

Basket Hitch

Strength Reduction for Choker Hitch
D:d Ratio
D - is diameter around which sling is bent.
d - is diameter of the sling.

Alloy Steel Chain
Quadruple Leg Slings

Reach = a + b
Single Leg Slings

Alloy Steel Chain Identification
- Chain Size
- Manufacturers Grade
- Rated load and angle
- Reach
- Number of legs
- Manufacturers name and trademark
- Next inspection

Alloy Steel Chain Inspection
- Visual examination by the user.
- Complete link by link inspection of the entire sling and all attachments.
- Documented
- Twists or bends
- Nicks or gouges
- Excessive wear at bearing points
- Stretch
- Distorted or damaged master links

Wire Rope Lay
One complete wrap of a strand around the core

The direction the strands are wound around the core

Right Lay

Right Regular Lay

Right Lang Lay
Wire Rope Sling Identification
- Rated Load (rated capacity)
- Load test date
- Manufacturer's name
- Periodic inspection due date
- Broken wires (10 in one lay or 5 in one strand)
- Severe corrosion
- Localized wear
- Reduction in outer wire
- Damaged end fittings
- Distortion, kinking, etc...
Wire Rope Fatigue

Broken Wires
Wire Rope Abuse

Wire Rope "Bird Caging"
Wire Rope
- Field lubrication
- Storage
- Termination
Fiber Rope & Synthetic Web
Fiber Rope
- Manila
- Grip load well and does not mar the surface.
- Not used around sharp edges or in hot environments.
- Web Nylon, polyester, dacron and polypropylene.
- Grip load well and does not mar the surface.
- Can take sharp edges better than fiber rope but stills needs to be protected.
- Name or trademark of manufacturer.
- Manufacturers' code or stock number.
- Rated loads for the types of hitches used.
- Type of natural or synthetic materials.
- Date of manufacturer.
- Cuts
- Worn surface
- Fiber breakage
- Discoloration
- Melted or charred
- Pitting or corrosion
- Installed
- Correctly Inspected
- Maintained

Main Hoisting Line Inspection
- Daily visual inspection.
- Observe rope during day's operations.
- Determined by a qualified person.
- Based on rope life, severity of environment, percentage of capacity lifts, frequency, shock loads.
- Six randomly distributed broken wires in one lay or three broken wires in one strand in one lay.
- Kinking, crushing, birdcaging, or any other damage.
- More than two broken wires in one lay section beyond end connections.

Swinging Loads
- Hand placement on and around suspended loads
- Traveling with the load
- Working in close proximity
- Making "blind picks"

This worker is at great risk of becoming off balance and could easily fall off the roof. Fall protection is required for this type of work.
Traveling with a Load
- Evaluate prevailing conditions
- Determine applicable safety precautions
- Check with crane manufacturer

Precautions when Traveling with a Load
- Do not ride on the machine
- Crane should be lowered
- Check tire pressure
- Avoid sudden starts and stops
- Use tag lines
- Use a helper during "pick and carry"
- Hazards of being struck-by a falling or flying object while working around cranes and other material handling equipment include what two (2) things?
- What four (4) things should take place in order to effectively manage the safe rigging and hoisting of loads?
- Which sling(s) require written record of inspection?
- Use the diagram provided to determine the sling angle factor and tension in each sling.

Other Hazards and Concerns
- Environmental hazards
- Performing critical lifts
- Using a crane suspended personnel platform
- Lifting a load with multiple cranes
- Mobile cranes mounted on barges
- Protection from exhaust pipes
- Asphyxiation Hazards

Working During Inclement Weather (High Winds):
- Procedures to responding to high wind alerts
- Procedures to coordinate with other cranes
- Procedures for securing cranes in high winds

Working During Inclement Weather (Lightning & Thunderstorms)

Critical Lifts
Defined as:
- Potentially unacceptable risk of personnel injury or property damage
- Release of undesirable conditions
- Undetectable damage
- Significant work delay
- OSHA & ANSI regulations must be thoroughly reviewed.
- Requirements for platform users and crane operators are reviewed.
- Pre-Lift meeting must be held.

Mobile Cranes Mounted on Barges
- Rated load must not exceed original capacity.
- Crane must be positively secured.
- Meet manufacturers' requirements.

Learning Opportunity
- To keep a crane from toppling over during high winds and thunderstorms, what three (3) things can you do?
- What four (4) conditions may turn an ordinary lift into a critical lift?
- What four (4) general safety rules apply to crane operators when lifting personnel with a crane suspended personnel platform?