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NIOSH's Buy Quiet Program

The NIOSH Buy Quiet web resource highlights the benefits of a buy quiet program, explains how to establish such a program in a workplace, and offers a...

Product Safety Notice for DBI-SALA Lad-Saf Flexible Cable Ladder Safety System

This notice concerns the DBI-SALA Lad-Saf™ Flexible Cable Ladder Safety System, also known as a ‘Safety Climb System.’ Capital Safety has receiv...


This image is one of five from an infographic on U.S. deaths from falls. This information is from the Construction Chart Book, Page 44, Chart 44e. It...

More construction workers die on the job than any other U.S. workforce

This image is one of five from an infographic on U.S. deaths from falls. This information is from the CPWR Construction Chart Book, Chart 38a and depi...


This image is one of five from an infographic on U.S. deaths from falls. This information is from the Construction Chart Book, Page 43, Chart 43a and...


This graphic is one of five taken from an infographic created by CPWR. The data for this graphic came from a poster presentation by CPWR's Data Center...

Construction Falls, Why They Matter to You

This infographic is based on data from CPWR's Construction Chartbook and from The data are presented in easy to underst...

Strengthening Jobsite Safety Climate: Eight Worksheets to Help You Use and Improve Leading Indicators

This CPWR booklet is designed to help management, safety professionals, and hourly craft workers learn more about important leading safety indicators...

Demonstrating Management Commitment: CPWR Worksheet #1

This CPWR worksheet is the first of 8 to provide recommendations for strengthening jobsite safety climate. It provides 6 ideas for demonstrating manag...

Aligning and Integrating Safety as a Value: CPWR Worksheet #2

This CPWR worksheet is the second of 8 to provide recommendations for strengthening jobsite safety climate. It provides 5 ideas for aligning and integ...